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Documentation for Machine

Class for calculating fast PRF photometry on a collection of images and

a list of in image sources.

This method is discussed in detail in Hedges et al. 2021.

This method solves a linear model to assuming Gaussian priors on the weight of each linear components as explained by Luger, Foreman-Mackey & Hogg, 2017

__init__(self, time, flux, flux_err, ra, dec, sources, column, row, limit_radius=24.0, time_mask=None, n_r_knots=10, n_phi_knots=15, time_nknots=10, time_resolution=200, time_radius=8, rmin=1, rmax=16, cut_r=6, sparse_dist_lim=40, sources_flux_column='phot_g_mean_flux') special


Name Type Description Default
time numpy.ndarray

Time values in JD

flux numpy.ndarray

Flux values at each pixels and times in units of electrons / sec

flux_err numpy.ndarray

Flux error values at each pixels and times in units of electrons / sec

ra numpy.ndarray

Right Ascension coordinate of each pixel

dec numpy.ndarray

Declination coordinate of each pixel

sources pandas.DataFrame

DataFrame with source present in the images

column np.ndarray

Data array containing the "columns" of the detector that each pixel is on.

row np.ndarray

Data array containing the "rows" of the detector that each pixel is on.

limit_radius numpy.ndarray

Radius limit in arcsecs to select stars to be used for PRF modeling

time_mask np.ndarray of booleans

A boolean array of shape time. Only values where this mask is True will be used to calculate the average image for fitting the PSF. Use this to e.g. select frames with low VA, or no focus change

n_r_knots int

Number of radial knots in the spline model.

n_phi_knots int

Number of azimuthal knots in the spline model.

time_nknots int

Number og knots for cartesian DM in time model.

time_resolution int

Number of time points to bin by when fitting for velocity aberration.

time_radius float

The radius around sources, out to which the velocity aberration model will be fit. (arcseconds)

rmin float

The minimum radius for the PRF model to be fit. (arcseconds)

rmax float

The maximum radius for the PRF model to be fit. (arcseconds)

cut_r float

Radius distance whithin the shape model only depends on radius and not angle.

sparse_dist_lim float

Radial distance used to include pixels around sources when creating delta arrays (dra, ddec, r, and phi) as sparse matrices for efficiency. Default is 40" (recommended for kepler). (arcseconds)

sources_flux_column str

Column name in sources table to be used as flux estimate. For Kepler data gaia.phot_g_mean_flux is recommended, for TESS use gaia.phot_rp_mean_flux.



Name Type Description
nsources int

Number of sources to be extracted

nt int

Number of onservations in the time series (aka number of cadences)

npixels int

Total number of pixels with flux measurements

source_flux_estimates numpy.ndarray

First estimation of pixel fluxes assuming values given by the sources catalog (e.g. Gaia phot_g_mean_flux)

dra numpy.ndarray

Distance in right ascension between pixel and source coordinates, units of degrees

ddec numpy.ndarray

Distance in declination between pixel and source coordinates, units of degrees

r numpy.ndarray

Radial distance between pixel and source coordinates (polar coordinates), in units of arcseconds

phi numpy.ndarray

Angle between pixel and source coordinates (polar coordinates), in units of radians

source_mask scipy.sparce.csr_matrix

Sparce mask matrix with pixels that contains flux from sources

uncontaminated_source_mask scipy.sparce.csr_matrix

Sparce mask matrix with selected uncontaminated pixels per source to be used to build the PSF model

mean_model scipy.sparce.csr_matrix

Mean PSF model values per pixel used for PSF photometry

cartesian_knot_spacing string

Defines the type of spacing between knots in cartessian space to generate the design matrix, options are "linear" or "sqrt".

quiet booleans

Quiets TQDM progress bars.

contaminant_mag_limit float

The limiting magnitude at which a sources is considered as contaminant

build_shape_model(self, plot=False, flux_cut_off=1, frame_index='mean', bin_data=False, **kwargs)

Builds a sparse model matrix of shape nsources x npixels to be used when

fitting each source pixels to estimate its PSF photometry


Name Type Description Default
plot boolean

Make a diagnostic plot

flux_cut_off float

the flux in COUNTS at which to stop evaluating the model!

frame_index string or int

The frame index used to build the shape model, if "mean" then use the mean value across time

bin_data boolean

Bin flux data spatially to increase SNR before fitting the shape model

**kwargs None

Keyword arguments to be passed to _get_source_mask()


build_time_model(self, plot=False, bin_method='bin', poly_order=3, segments=False, focus=False, focus_exptime=50, pca_ncomponents=0, pca_smooth_time_scale=0, positions=False, other_vectors=None)

Builds a time model that moves the PRF model to account for the scene movement

due to velocity aberration. It has two methods to choose from using the attribute self.time_corrector, if "polynomial" (default) will use a polynomial in time, if "poscorr" will use the pos_corr vectos that can be found in the TPFs. The time polynomial gives a more flexible model vs the pos_corr option, but can lead to light curves with "weird" long-term trends. Using pos_corr is recomended for Kepler data.


Name Type Description Default
plot boolean

Plot a diagnostic figure.

bin_method string

Type of bin method, options are "bin" and "downsample".

poly_order int

Degree of the time polynomial used for the time model. Default is 3.

segments boolean

If True will split the light curve into segments to fit different time models with a common pixel normalization. If False will fit the full time series as one segment. Segments breaks are infered from time discontinuities.

focus boolean

Add a component that models th focus change at the begining of a segment.

focus_exptime int

Characteristic decay for focus component modeled as exponential decay when focus is True. In the same units as PerturbationMatrix3D.time.

pca_ncomponents int

Number of PCA components used in PerturbationMatrix3D. The components are derived from pixel light lighrcurves.

pca_smooth_time_scale float

Smooth time sacel for PCA components.

positions boolean or string

If one of strings "poscorr", "centroid" then the perturbation matrix will add other vectors accounting for position shift.

other_vectors list or numpy.ndarray

Set of other components used to include in the perturbed model. See psfmachine.perturbation.PerturbationMatrix object for details. Posible use case are using Kepler CBVs or engeneering data. Shape has to be (ncomponents, ntimes). Default is None.


compute_aperture_photometry(self, aperture_size='optimal', target_complete=0.9, target_crowd=0.9)

Computes aperture photometry for all sources in the scene. The aperture shape

follow the PRF profile.


Name Type Description Default
aperture_size string or int

Size of the aperture to be used. If "optimal" the aperture will be optimized using the flux metric targets. If int between [0, 100], then the boundaries of the aperture are calculated from the normalized flux value of the given ith percentile.

target_complete float

Target flux completeness metric (FLFRCSAP) used if aperture_size is "optimal".

target_crowd float

Target flux crowding metric (CROWDSAP) used if aperture_size is "optimal".


create_aperture_mask(self, percentile=50)

Function to create the aperture mask of a given source for a given aperture

size. This function can compute aperutre mask for all sources in the scene.

It creates three new attributes: * self.aperture_mask has the aperture mask, shape is [n_surces, n_pixels] * self.FLFRCSAP has the completeness metric, shape is [n_sources] * self.CROWDSAP has the crowdeness metric, shape is [n_sources]


Name Type Description Default
percentile float or list of floats

Percentile value that defines the isophote from the distribution of values in the PRF model of the source. If float, then all sources will use the same percentile value. If list, then it has to have lenght that matches self.nsources, then each source has its own percentile value.


fit_model(self, fit_va=False)

Finds the best fitting weights for every source, simultaneously


Name Type Description Default
fit_va boolean

Fitting model accounting for velocity aberration. If True, then a time model has to be built previously with build_time_model.


get_psf_metrics(self, npoints_per_pixel=10)

Computes three metrics for the PSF model:

source_psf_fraction: the amount of PSF in the data. Tells how much of a sources is used to estimate the PSF, values are in between [0, 1]. perturbed_ratio_mean: the ratio between the mean model and perturbed model for each source. Usefull to find when the time model affects the mean value of the light curve. perturbed_std: the standard deviation of the perturbed model for each source. USeful to find when the time model introduces variability in the light curve.

If npoints_per_pixel > 0, it creates high npoints_per_pixel shape models for each source by dividing each pixels into a grid of [npoints_per_pixel x npoints_per_pixel]. This provides a better estimate of source_psf_fraction.


Name Type Description Default
npoints_per_pixel int

Value in which each pixel axis is split to increase npoints_per_pixel. Default is 0 for no subpixel npoints_per_pixel.


perturbed_model(self, time_index)

Computes the perturbed model at a given time


Name Type Description Default
time_index int or np.ndarray

Time index where to evaluate the perturbed model.


plot_shape_model(self, frame_index='mean', bin_data=False)

Diagnostic plot of shape model.


Name Type Description Default
frame_index string or int

The frame index used to plot the shape model, if "mean" then use the mean value across time

bin_data bool

Bin or not the pixel data in a 2D historgram, default is False.



Type Description



Diagnostic plot of time model.


Type Description
